
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
July 24, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc is a premier platform facilitating access to top remote talent, including developers, designers, and marketers. With its vetted candidates ready for interviews, Arc simplifies the hiring process, enabling companies to connect with the best talent quickly and effectively while ensuring quality and efficiency in their teams.

Arc offers flexible pricing plans with no fees until you hire, allowing businesses to find top remote talent without upfront costs. Companies can choose between freelance or full-time hires, with a promise of quick matches and high-quality candidates, making it a cost-effective recruitment solution.

Arc features a user-friendly interface designed for seamless browsing and efficient talent matching. The layout allows users to navigate effortlessly through talent categories, ensuring a smooth hiring experience that enhances user interactions. Users can easily access filters and search options to find the perfect fit.

How Arc works

To use Arc, start by sharing your hiring needs, including role details and budget preferences. Next, the platform connects you with pre-vetted candidates matching your criteria. You can communicate directly with potential hires, conduct interviews, and hire securely with user-friendly features that enhance the overall experience.

Key Features for Arc

Vetted Talent Marketplace

Arc's vetted talent marketplace allows businesses to access interview-ready candidates across various fields. This unique feature simplifies the hiring process, reducing the time spent sifting through resumes, while ensuring that only qualified individuals are presented, providing companies with confidence in their hiring decisions.

AI Talent Matching

Arc's AI talent matching system quickly connects employers with top candidates tailored to their specific needs. This innovative feature significantly enhances the hiring process, ensuring that users receive relevant matches faster. With Arc, companies can focus on the best-fit talent for their teams with much less effort.

Global Reach

Arc boasts a global reach, offering access to a diverse pool of over 350,000 talented individuals across 190 countries. This feature uniquely positions Arc to meet various hiring needs while promoting cost savings through international talent acquisition, providing an exceptional value proposition for businesses seeking remote staff.

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