
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
August 7, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc is a unique platform designed for companies seeking top-tier remote talent including developers, designers, and marketers. By connecting users with vetted candidates ready for interviews, Arc streamlines the hiring process, allowing businesses to save time and costs while ensuring quality hires.

Arc offers flexible hiring solutions with no upfront costs until talent is hired. Users can expect competitive pricing with significant savings compared to traditional recruitment methods. The platform’s structure allows companies to access a vast pool of talent quickly and efficiently.

Arc features a user-friendly interface designed for easy navigation, facilitating seamless browsing of available talent. With organized categories and efficient search functionality, users can quickly find and connect with the best-fit candidates for their projects, enhancing the overall user experience.

How Arc works

To utilize Arc, users begin by sharing their hiring needs, including roles and budget. They then receive tailored matches from vetted candidates who are ready for interviews. After connecting with prospects, companies can interview and hire, with options for seamless payment and compliance ensured by Arc.

Key Features for Arc

Vetted Talent Pool

Arc's vetted talent pool allows companies to access pre-qualified candidates swiftly. This unique feature saves significant time and reduces the hassle of filtering through unqualified applicants, ensuring businesses connect with top-tier talent ready to hit the ground running.

Global Access

Arc offers global access to a diverse range of talent across 190 countries. This feature enables companies to tap into unique skill sets while achieving considerable cost savings compared to traditional hiring practices, thus enhancing operational efficiency and flexibility.

Rapid Hiring Process

The rapid hiring process of Arc allows companies to hire qualified candidates in as little as 72 hours. This efficiency is a standout feature, empowering businesses to swiftly scale their teams with the right talent while minimizing downtime and project delays.

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